Behind the scenes of the Taliban’s victory is a scenario by Xi Jinping. It was triggered by the assassination of Taliban leader Mullah Mansour by the U.S. military in 2016. This article examines Xi Ji……
As soon as the U.S. troops completely withdrew, the Taliban continuously fired artillery in celebration of independence. The first report in China covered this scene and the abstention of China and Ru……
In China, people are interested in security under the Taliban, and media reports are based on statements by U.S. Republican Congress members and the Pentagon that the U.S. military’s abandonment of Ba……
While the Taliban had fought the U.S. military as an enemy, they now want the U.S. Embassy to remain and have asked Turkey to manage the airport. This reminds me of the Chinese Communist Army scrambli……
Geopolitics Returns
After 18 months of Covid-19 being the dominant story it has now become the backdrop to geopolitics which has returned to center stage during September. The chaotic US withdrawal ……
China required the eradication of terrorism as an absolute exchange condition for supporting the Taliban. 28 Taliban soldiers were killed in the recent terrorist attack, and the Taliban is trying to d……
Chinese call Afghans “a poor man lying on a gold mine.” One reason why China pledged economic cooperation with the Taliban even before the Taliban’s victory is underground resources in Afghanistan. Le……
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- On the Eve
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