President Tsai Ing-wen's leadership of Taiwan has been marked by a dynamic interplay of challenges and opportunities, particularly in the context of cross-strait relations with mainland ……
2024 is a year of notable anniversaries for Hong Kong, but perhaps not ones the government would really approve of and certainly not celebrate.
Five years since the anti-extradition bi……
In August, a two-day forum was held in Jeddah, attended by leaders from 40 countries worldwide. The primary topic of discussion was how to end Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Among other things, ……
Summit in South Africa
It is easy to forget how excited the China watching community, especially within the financial sector. were at the expected economic bounce that was to follow from China’s re-o……
1:The Structural Shift in the Post-Pandemic Job Market
On July 17th, the National Bureau of Statistics of China released the latest unemployment figures, showing that the unemployment rate among youn……
Taiwan's political landscape is set to witness a momentous event on July 16th as opposition parties come together in a protest march titled 'Saving Taiwan with Fairness and Justice,' marking a pivotal……
Taiwan's largest opposition party, the Kuomintang (KMT), finally nominated the Mayor of New Taipei City, Hou You-yi(侯友宜), as its presidential candidate for the 2024 election on May 17. Another opposit……
VIP Lounge
The VIP lounge staff at Beijing’s shiny airports must have been working overtime for the past few weeks. After nearly 3 years of self-imposed exile China’s borders are open and world lead……
Fooling Yourself
What did Putin tell Xi when they met at the opening of the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing? After a month of war in Ukraine no one is any clearer, the Chinese diplomats say they don……
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- ハリス氏願望とは逆行 米国「飛行士が地球に帰還できぬ事態に」、中国「月面土壌から水生成法を発見」
- ハリス指名受諾演説、対中政策なく理念だけ トランプ氏猛口撃
- トランプ氏「当選すればマスク氏起用の可能性」と言うが、マスク氏は習近平と仲良し 対中政策はどうなる?
- ベトナム最高指導者の初外交は習近平との会談 突き動かしたのはNED(全米民主主義基金)の暗躍との闘い
- 日本で流行っている「李強首相が習近平思想を排除」という希望的観測