Arthur Waldron
July 2019
The current tariff war between China and much of the world has a history, which is fundamentally one of Beijing’s overestimation of its own economic power. This over……
The National Bureau of Statistics of China announced on July 15 that the real growth rate in the April–June quarter of 2019 was 6.2%, the lowest level since records began in 1992. I asked a Chinese e……
北京郵電大学 経済管理学院 教授 博士課程指導教員
The One Belt One Road Initiative burdened with various problems
China’s “One Belt One Road Initiative (OBOR)” is perhaps the most popular and the object of the most severe criticism among Chi……
On July 4th, Japan has strengthened export controls for materials vital for smartphones and semiconductors against South Korea. The reasons are multi-faceted, but the underlying cause is the fact tha……
Think Tank — the first article
Verifying the remark of the U.S. Ambassador to Japan that "Huawei is a state-owned enterprise"
Amid the U.S.’s intensifying pressure to exclude the Ch……
Trade War Only the Beginning, Battle Not Over Yet
Personal view of the U.S.-China trade war
Qiming Sun
Doctoral advisor and professor of School of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Po……
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