中国で新型ウイルス肺炎拡大 武漢滞在の米国人、2週間の隔離終了
中国で新型ウイルス肺炎拡大 武漢滞在の米国人、2週間の隔離終了(提供:ZUMA Press/アフロ)
米中間で第1段階の貿易合意が成立したのはわずか5週間前だが、随分昔のことのように思える。合意は米中関係の再出発になるはずのもので、焦点は合意内容の実施と遵守だった。米国の農家は中国からの買い付け保証に活気づいた。当局関係者は第2段階の交渉について聞かれると、交渉に入る緊急性は高くなく、その時期は米大統領選後になるかもしれないとして、当面は第1段階合意の円滑な実施確保が目標であることを示唆した。 ……
February 20, 2020, Tokyo, Japan - Japan's infectious disease expert Kobe University Hospital professor Kentaro Iwata speaks on a screen as he holds a press conference via Skype at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan in Tokyo on Thursday, February 20, 2020. He posted a TouTube video criticizing the situation on a novel coronavirus hit cruise ship Diamond Princess after he boarded the ship. (Photo by Yoshio Tsunoda/AFLO)
February 20, 2020, Tokyo, Japan - Japan's infectious disease expert Kobe University Hospital professor Kentaro Iwata speaks on a screen as he holds a press conference via Skype at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan in Tokyo on Thursday, February 20, 2020. He posted a TouTube video criticizing the situation on a novel coronavirus hit cruise ship Diamond Princess after he boarded the ship. (Photo by Yoshio Tsunoda/AFLO)
Are the Lives of the Japanese People Only a Secondary Consideration? Japan Follows in the Footsteps of the Wuhan Pandemic
The spread of the coronavirus infection in Japan closely resembles what happened in the initial phase of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan. The mass infections on board a cruise ship and passengers te……
【本稿は中国問題グローバル研究所の白井一成理事による特別寄稿である。】 すでにパンデミックに入ったとするならば、日本政府や自治体の対策は遅きに失した感がある。やらないよりやるほうがマシというレベルであるが、爆発的な感染はおそらくもう防げない。いったんは梅雨の到来とともに日本では落ち着きを取り戻すだろうが、世界的な流行は収まらず秋以降に再流行するだろう。 季節性の感染症との大きな違いは、「感……
新型ウイルス肺炎が世界に拡大 武漢滞在のロシア人らが帰国
新型ウイルス肺炎が世界に拡大 武漢滞在のロシア人らが帰国(映像:Russian Look/アフロ)
3月1日付けの論考<中国人全面入国規制が決断できない安倍政権の「国家統治能力」>に関して多くの方から貴重なご意見を頂いたが、その中にモスクワにおられる「友人」からのお便りがある。この方はプーチン大統領の側近とも接触があるため、ロシアのナマの動きを知る上で非常に参考になる。豊かなロシア経験による非常に高くて鋭い知見を持っておられ、これまでも、どれだけ多くのことを学ばせて頂いたか知れない。 そこで匿……
Shinzo Abe, February 17, 2020 : Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe answers to a question during Lower House budget committee session at the National Diet in Tokyo, Japan. (Photo by Motoo Naka/AFLO)
Shinzo Abe, February 17, 2020 : Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe answers to a question during Lower House budget committee session at the National Diet in Tokyo, Japan. (Photo provided by : Motoo Naka/AFLO)
Japan’s “Border Control Failure” was Triggered by its Appeasement towards Xi Jinping’s Visit as a State Guest to Japan
Xi Jinping is doing everything he can to play down the impact of the new coronavirus. Nowhere has his efforts paid off more than with the Abe Cabinet, which seeks to make the invitation of Xi Jinping ……
新型肺炎の感染拡大を防ぐために安倍政権は試行錯誤的対策を小出しにしているが、先月末の「基本方針」で中国人の全面入国規制をしなかったことは多くの国民を失望させた。安倍首相は未だに習近平国賓訪日にこだわり日本国民の生活を混乱させている。 ◆安倍首相、中国外交トップに「習近平国賓訪日、極めて重要」 中国共産党政治局委員で中央外事工作委員会弁公室主任の楊潔チ氏は2月28日、首相官邸で安倍首相と会談した……
Myanmar State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Presidential Palace in Naypyitaw, Myanmar, January 18, 2020. Nyein Chan Naing/Pool via REUTERS (Myanmar)
Myanmar State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Presidential Palace in Naypyitaw, Myanmar, January 18, 2020. (Photo provided by : 代表撮影/ロイター/アフロ)
Were Xi Jinping’s “Instructions on January 7 for Dealing with the Coronavirus Outbreak” a Prevarication?
In Qiushi Journal, an organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China published on February 15, Xi Jinping wrote, “In a meeting held on February 3, I issued a warning about the novel co……
People wearing masks are seen in front of a portrait of Chinese President Xi Jinping on a street as the country is hit by an outbreak of the novel coronavirus, in Shanghai, China, February 10, 2020. REUTERS/Aly Song (China)
People wearing masks are seen in front of a portrait of Chinese President Xi Jinping on a street as the country is hit by an outbreak of the novel coronavirus, in Shanghai, China, February 10, 2020. (Photo provided by : ロイター/アフロ)
Suppression of Free Speech and Appeasement Can Kill People—Reflections on Xi Jinping’s Third Television Appearance
On February 10, Xi Jinping appeared on television for the third time since the coronavirus outbreak. Mr. Xi was compelled to do so by the death of Dr. Li Wenliang, and by the Chinese people’s fierce a……
Workers wearing protective suits stand near an electronic display board in the lobby of the Shanghai Stock Exchange building in Shanghai, Monday, Feb. 3, 2020. The Shanghai Composite index tumbled 8.7% Monday then rebounded slightly as Chinese regulators moved to stabilize markets reopening from a prolonged national holiday despite a rising death toll from a new virus that has spread to more than 20 countries. (AP Photo)
Workers wearing protective suits stand near an electronic display board in the lobby of the Shanghai Stock Exchange building in Shanghai, Monday, Feb. 3, 2020. The Shanghai Composite index tumbled 8.7% Monday then rebounded slightly as Chinese regulators moved to stabilize markets reopening from a prolonged national holiday despite a rising death toll from a new virus that has spread to more than 20 countries. (Photo provided by:AP/アフロ)
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Chinese Economy in 2020 is a Double-Edged Sword; Will It Lead to Economic Decline or Encourage Reform?
The Chinese economy experienced its worst year in the past decade in 2019. It was expected that 2020 would be the year that the economy would recover, but the overwhelming spread of COVID-19 at the be……
新型ウイルス肺炎が世界に拡大 感染対策告発の岩田氏が会見
新型ウイルス肺炎が世界に拡大 感染対策告発の岩田氏が会見(提供:つのだよしお/アフロ)
国民の命は二の次か? 武漢パンデミックを後追いする日本
クルーズ船内の集団感染や下船者の陽性反応など日本国内の感染拡大は、「初期の武漢」を彷彿とさせる。世界を恐怖に追い込んだ真犯人が習近平なら、日本を恐怖に追い込んでいるの安倍政権だ。国民の命は二の次か? ◆初期状態の武漢 初期と言っても、初めて原因不明の肺炎が発生した時ではなく、1月20日に習近平が「重要指示」を出して以降のことだ(これに関しては1月24日付のコラム「新型コロナウイルス肺炎、習近平……