Trade wars take their toll on trade, on economies and on commentators! It has been an exhausting rollercoaster ride of ups and downs. Of tariffs, of delayed tariffs, of increased tariffs, of breakth……
The ties between China and America are the worst they have been in decades, and there is little reason to think they can improve in the near future, yet amongst all the gloom there have been a series ……
Red Capitalism, The Fragile Financial Foundations of China’s Extraordinary Rise (「赤い資本主義、中国の目覚ましい発展を支える脆弱な金融システム」) 共著者
中国と米国の間で直近の追加関税が発効したが、現下の両国の対立は貿易よりも重要な戦線に拡大している。 貿易交渉担当者が7月下旬に上海での……
Just as the latest round of trade tariffs comes into effect a more significant front in the ongoing divergence between China and the United States is expanding. Trade negotiators finished a brief Sh……
Red Capitalism,The Fragile Financial Foundations of China’s Extraordinary Rise(「赤い資本主義、中国の目覚ましい発展を支える脆弱な金融システム」) 共著者
Fraser Howie
co-author of Red Capitalism, The Fragile Financial Foundations of China’s Extraordinary Rise
Over the past few months Hong Kong, home to one of the world’s great skylines, Asia……
Red Capitalism,The Fragile Financial Foundations of China's Extraordinary Rise(「赤い資本主義、中国の目覚ましい発展を支える脆弱な金融システム」) 共著者
Fraser Howie,
co-author of Red Capitalism, The Fragile Financial Foundations of China’s Extraordinary Rise
There are few areas in which President Trump can claim to have bi-partisan support ……
- Turning Point for the State vs. Private Economy? Policy Signals from China’s 2025 Two Sessions
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- わずか1カ月
- 習近平・プーチン・トランプの相互関係 トランプはウクライナ問題解決後、対中攻撃を考えているのか?
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