Finding a role
Since the Brexit referendum in 2016 there has been a continual cry from the victors to hurry up and get Brexit done. It took until the end of 2020 before the formal and effective exit……
Mr Biden is moving at record speed to undo anything Trump did. So fast as to be dangerous possibly increasing the danger of war, as will be seen.
Before erasing it Mr Biden should ask whether the Tru……
At the end of 2020, iron ore and coal prices drastically soared in the global market. These two raw-material-level primary products are closely related to our lives, and steelmaking requires large qua……
Least Bad Economy
Little over a year ago this column (EN 796 / JP 815) when looking forward to the coming decade saw difficult years ahead for China. Slowing economic growth, growing state and priva……
Taiwanese must now begin to think about their own "Hong Kong issue" seriously. This is interest in Hong Kong based on universal values such as human rights and freedom, but it is also for the nati……
This article is an English translation of the article on December 7th.
The Communist Party of China (CPC) is China’s ruling party, providing the core of leadership for China’s unique system of soci……
One week, two deals
Although the capitals of the UK and Europe saw a much-muted Christmas season, devoid of official events and fireworks, the lack of celebration didn’t mean that work wasn’t being d……
The year that wasn’t
All countries have been changed and scarred by the coronavirus pandemic. Which country has been affected most would be hard to say, death tolls have varied widely by country, ec……
Welcome to the Whitehouse
President Trump’s lasting foreign policy impact will no doubt be the reassessment of relations with China. As this commentator has written numerous times before, his approa……
The Objective Necessity for China to Propose a Strategy for Domestic and Foreign Dual Economic Circulation Centered on a Large Domestic Circulation
Some observers say that China has decided ……
- 中国2025年の中央1号文書を発表:食料安全保障、農村振興、農業改革の継続を重視
- 科学誌ネイチャー「米中AI競争は土俵が違う」――「中国は製造業土台に実用型、アメリカは投資型」
- 習近平とプーチンを喜ばせた「トランプ・ゼレンスキー会談決裂」
- わずか1カ月
- 習近平・プーチン・トランプの相互関係 トランプはウクライナ問題解決後、対中攻撃を考えているのか?
- Food Security, Rural Revitalization, and the Unfinished Missions of Agricultural Reform in China’s 2025 No. 1 Document
- 史上最大のディール! ウクライナ停戦「米露交渉」案は習近平の「トランプへのビッグプレゼント」か?
- 「習近平に助けを求める」ゼレンスキー ウクライナを外した米露会談を受け
- Only One Month
- 日産ホンダなど日本車の命運を転換させる中国EV