Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, presides over a symposium on the economic situation in Shenzhen, south China's Guangdong Province, Aug. 16, 2022. (Xinhua/Liu Bin)
What’s wrong with China’s economy of domestic sector?
The State Council of China outlined a 19-point policy package on 26th August, including another 300 billion Chinese yuan renminbi (yuan) that state policy banks can invest in infrastructure projects, ……
CPTPP for which China and Taiwan are applying for membership (Photo: Reuters / Afro)
CPTPP for which China and Taiwan are applying for membership (Photo: Reuters / Afro)
China and Taiwan apply to join the CPTPP: will the United States follow?
On September 16, China formally applied to join the “Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership” (CPTPP), which made the Taiwanese government - busy with the fight against t……
President Joe Biden gestures to reporters before boarding Air Force One at Heathrow Airport in London, Sunday, June 13, 2021. Biden is en route to Brussels to attend the NATO summit. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)
President Joe Biden gestures to reporters before boarding Air Force One at Heathrow Airport in London, Sunday, June 13, 2021. Biden is en route to Brussels to attend the NATO summit. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)
America is Back!: A Battle of Beliefs and Values between “Bidenism” and the “Xi Jinping Administration”
After taking office, US President Joe Biden immediately embarked on a trip to Europe, and wrote about it in an opinion piece titled “Joe Biden: My trip to Europe is about America rallying the world's ……
America Is Back! 「バイデン主義」と「習近平核心」 信念と価値の競争
バイデン(Joe Biden)米国大統領は就任後、直ちに欧州歴訪を行うと共に、メディアに次の論文を投稿した。〈私の欧州訪問は、アメリカが世界中の民主主義諸国を結集させるためである〉(Joe Biden: My trip to Europe is about America rallying the world’s democracies)。この度の訪問は6月11日~13日の英国コーンウォールでの「……
Japan's Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and U.S. President Joe Biden hold a joint news conference in the Rose Garden at the White House in Washington, U.S., April 16, 2021. REUTERS/Tom Brenner (United States)
Japan's Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and U.S. President Joe Biden hold a joint news conference in the Rose Garden at the White House in Washington, U.S., April 16, 2021. REUTERS/Tom Brenner (United States)
Is Taiwan ready for the “US-Japan-Taiwan Alliance”?
On April 16, 2021, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga became the first foreign head of state to meet with US President Joe Biden at the White House since the latter took office. The summit was hel……
ミャンマーでクーデター 実権を掌握した軍に抗議(写真:ロイター/アフロ)
2月1日ミャンマー国軍(Tatmadaw)が緊急事態を宣言、総司令官のミン・アウン・フライン(Min Aung Hlaing)氏が軍政府総指揮官に任命された。主都ネピドー、ヤンゴン、マンダレー等の大都市では、突如として通信とインターネットが遮断され、世界はミャンマーで軍事クーデターが発生したことを俄かに察知した。 軍が連邦議会(=国会)開会前を選んでクーデターを発動したのは2020年11月8日の……
A view of the signage of Ant Group in the headquarters compound of the fintech giant in Hangzhou in east China's Zhejiang province Wednesday, Nov. 04, 2020. China pulled back the IPO of Ant Group two days ahead of its listing in Shanghai and Hong Kong as a recent microloan regulation will affect its core business. (Photo:Featurechina/アフロ)
A view of the signage of Ant Group in the headquarters compound of the fintech giant in Hangzhou in east China's Zhejiang province Wednesday, Nov. 04, 2020. China pulled back the IPO of Ant Group two days ahead of its listing in Shanghai and Hong Kong as a recent microloan regulation will affect its core business. (Photo:Featurechina:Featurechina/アフロ)
Is China engaging in a predatory state capital conflict?
1. Warning signs of "Predatory Economics" spread globally and through China As the trade war continues, United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has denounced the Chinese government as the world'……
一、「略奪的経済」の警鐘が全世界と中国国内に響き渡る 貿易戦争の最中、米国務長官のポンペオ氏は、中国政府が全世界で最も知的財産を窃取する国で、まるで「略奪的経済学101」(predatory economic 101)で前代未聞だと痛烈に批判した。中国は一帯一路のインフラ整備を通じて、労働力、技術、製品等を輸出し、一帯一路沿い諸国の中小企業の発展に打撃を加え、「中国製造」(MIC)の製品が全世界……