Just as the latest round of trade tariffs comes into effect a more significant front in the ongoing divergence between China and the United States is expanding. Trade negotiators finished a brief Sh……
On August 18, China re-designated Shenzhen as a “pilot demonstration area of socialism”. Its objective is to complete One Country, Two Systems through the economic initiative for the Guangdong-Hong K……
On August 7, President Trump tweeted that the U.S. economy’s problem lay not with China but with the FRB, and demanded further rate cuts from the FRB. Shocked people in China are saying “What happene……
In order to fulfill the promise made during the G20 Osaka Summit held on June 29, the 12th round of Sino-U.S. trade talks was held on July 31, in ShanghaiSino-U.S.. On that day, the White House state……
Fraser Howie
co-author of Red Capitalism, The Fragile Financial Foundations of China’s Extraordinary Rise
Over the past few months Hong Kong, home to one of the world’s great skylines, Asia……
Wang Tsun-yen
Division of Non-traditional Security and Military Missions, Institute for National Defense and Security Research
1. Impact and ripple effect of Hong Kong protests
Hong Kong ……
Protests by Hong Kong citizens over Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill have been intensifying. Hong Kong, where Western values and the Chi……
Sun Qiming
Professor and PhD supervisor in the School of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the renminbi……
Fraser Howie,
co-author of Red Capitalism, The Fragile Financial Foundations of China’s Extraordinary Rise
There are few areas in which President Trump can claim to have bi-partisan support ……
Arthur Waldron
July 2019
The current tariff war between China and much of the world has a history, which is fundamentally one of Beijing’s overestimation of its own economic power. This over……
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- A sorry week for Britain’s China Policy
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- 中国半導体最前線PartⅢ AI半導体GPUで急成長した「中国版NVIDIA」ムーア・スレッド
- 返り咲くトランプ
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