May 26, 2021, Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan: Military disinfections in public areas and transportations across Taipei and New Taipei have beefed up, following an increasing number of domestic Covid-19 cases. Taiwan Center for Disease Control on Wednesday reported 304 new domestic cases, 331 adjusted cases, and 11 deaths while facing inadequate vaccines supply in the face of the ongoing community transmission. (Credit Image: © Daniel Ceng Shou-Yi/ZUMA Wire)
May 26, 2021, Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan: Military disinfections in public areas and transportations across Taipei and New Taipei have beefed up, following an increasing number of domestic Covid-19 cases. Taiwan Center for Disease Control on Wednesday reported 304 new domestic cases, 331 adjusted cases, and 11 deaths while facing inadequate vaccines supply in the face of the ongoing community transmission. (Credit Image: © Daniel Ceng Shou-Yi/ZUMA Wire)
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